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Carol Libman's

Original Plays

Lies and Consequences

What happens when a long-held secret is secret no longer? Is "keeping it in the family" ever really justified?

Airport Tales

A light-hearted, entertaining, funny and above all human onstage "Road Movie" at 30,000 feet.  The indomitable Evalina, journeying back to the old homestead to celebrate her 90th birthday, battles - and conquers - security checks. seat-mate problems, lost luggage and a somewhat fraught family reunion.

A Very Different Place

Lost music dreams revealed in a turbulent, bittersweet, poignant and funny family reunion. 

A Life Beyond Doubt

While past and present meld into the present, six people's lives are woven together by the threads of life, loss and the ever present power of memory.

Who Killed Henry

A comedy and a puzzle in one entertaining package.  A night of glamour ends as tycoon Henry Jones raises one last glass in celebration to his bride-to-be….and keels over at the feet of his horrified fiancée.  Enter super-sleuth Marcus Peabody, and rest assured, justice will be served.

A Rare Day in June

When a cultural icon falls from grace, who pays the greatest price?

One Act plays - 3 minutes, 10 minutes….and more. Available on request.

Interviews and Reviews

Airport Tales Lands Heart and Nuance


“It’s Appel-GEE!” Here is a woman who has embraced going against the grain. Turning 90, Evalina Appelgy (Linda Gorham) sets the tone for the Garrison Little Theatre production of
Carol Libman’s Airport Tales. 


The nonagenarian Applegy is being delayed from her flight to Saskatoon by a young Pearson Airport bureaucrat named Roger (Eric Jeddry), who detains her because of a small snafu regarding her flight information. Beside “next of kin,” Evalina has entered “who cares?” So begins Evalina’s journey against her own isolation. Considering herself a free spirit, Evalina is forced to break down many of the walls she’s put up around herself on her trip. Airport Tales is structured as a series of small vignettes surrounding Evalina’s trip back home, the sole point of each small encounter she has is to break down another wall she’s put up. Living in Toronto has separated Evalina from her family in Saskatoon, and an inability to use technology – or, more likely, an indifference to picking up the phone – has only deepened the divide. (...)

Airport Tales may lack the more slapstick Pythonesque humour or brash characters of some of [Garrison Little Theatre] previously selected plays, but it contains as much or more of the heart and nuance needed to broach the sometimes touchy subject of keeping in touch with family in modern days.

Paul Sawchuk, Fort Erie Observer (2019)

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